Let's take a bite out of hunger

Food for health

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food is usually of plant, animal, or fungal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Different species of animals have other feeding behaviors that satisfy the needs of their unique metabolisms, often evolving to fill a specific ecological niche within specific geographical contexts.

Omnivorous humans are highly adaptable and have adapted to obtain food in many different ecosystems. Historically, humans secured food through two main methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. As agricultural technologies increased, humans settled into agrarian lifestyles with diets shaped by the agriculture opportunities in their geography. Geographic and cultural differences have led to the creation of numerous cuisines and culinary arts, including a wide array of ingredients, herbs, spices, techniques, and dishes. As cultures have mixed through forces like international trade and globalization, components have become more widely available beyond their geographic and cultural origins, creating a cosmopolitan exchange of different food traditions and practices.
 tohealthy food

Hygiene good

We should all have to eat hygienic food which is good for our health. Not junk food that harms our body and digestive system. So that we may suffer from several diseases. In hygienic food vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, etc. 

Junk food

Junk food is mostly loved by everyone and especially burgers, pizza, pasta, and much more junk food. But I cause health problems with the children. Their fat is increasing day by day of not eating healthy food.

Nutrient Food

Nutrient food is very necessary to be taken to elders and children. Nutrient food is rich in minerals, and vitamins. Food that naturally is nutrient rich includes fruits and vegetables
